Training for the team of the first Bread House in Latvia!

Between 15th and 17th of May in the Sofia Bread House took place training for the team of the starting Latvian social enterprise Ramala, which will combine a Bread House and cafeteria. Ramala will be created by the Crisis Center for Victims of Violence in Ventspils, Lithuania. It  will employ people from vulnerable groups and organize various events for community gathering, but also for popularizing the town of Ventspils as a tourist destination. During the three-day training the social workers Ruta Šenkevica and Līga Priedoliņa participated in bread makings with refugees, with disabled people from the Center for Social Rehabilitation and Integration “Annunciation” and joined the Roma-Bulgarian group organized in the frame of the B(re)aking Bread and Borders project. They also challenged their senses in order to experience the Bread in the Dark method. They also got to know in detail the basic method of the Bread Houses Network Theater of Crumbs and its applications for community building as well as for organizing paid events. The training included practical guidelines for using the Baker Without Borders educational board game, which is a great tool used to develop social business ideas as well as to discuss important social issues.

We welcome the Ramala team in the Bakers Without Borders community and we look forward to to the opening of the first Bread House in Latvia!


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