Want to develop a Bread House locally? Get in touch with us! Join our network of cultural centers and social enterprises!


Dr. Nadezhda Savova-Grigorova, Founder and President/Global Coordinator:

Europe and Bulgaria: Our Main Office and Bread House address: Sofia, Bulgaria, 103 Ekzarh Yosif Str.-

USA, Chicago: Morgan Murphy,

Detroit: Mariana Juliette,

Minneapolis: Adam Majewski, Baker Without Border Twin Cities Area,

Mexico, Cuernavaca: Antoaneta Antonova, President of the Mexican Institute for Cultural Diplomacy, coordinator of the local Bread House initiative:

Visit also:

I3C – The International Council for Cultural Centers (the mother organization of the Bread Houses Network, founded by Nadezhda Savova in 2008):

7 thoughts on “CONTACTS

  1. Sonny Hale

    I am Bulgarian, living in USA. For the longest time I have been trying to find a recipe for SIMIT. My grandmother used to bake it, but she passed away and I have noone to ask as to how to make it. If anyone knows the recipe, please, e-mail me. I only remember that it smelled differently from regular bread.

  2. Jenny Methven

    I am interested in your great idea. I live in Northern Ireland and wonder if there has been any contact from people here interested in setting something up.
    Best wishes
    Jenny methven

  3. simon Gray

    I am trying to find out if their is a Bread House in New Zealand as I want to contact the person/people who might be starting it, I saw a little bit on a video of Nadezhda’s TEDx talk where New Zealand was mentioned.
    Thank you

  4. Hans Paul Mattke


    I realy like the work Arnd Idee of your Break House ❤️, so wie what get conectet . Mit Company is Doping organic Break for more than 30 years in Germany . So let me now how wie can help growing your Idee.
    Maby you can Five me a Short Telefon call?

    All best HP mattke
    Company call 004941248900225 Ort mobil, 00491714196771, Ort right e Mail .

  5. Laura James

    I am so excited and intrigued by the mission of BHN. I live in St. Louis, MO and would love to explore the possibility of organizing a bread-making event here (starting small). FOCUS North America is already doing great things in my city and I think they would be a great partner. Could you provide me with information on becoming a BHN Crumbassador? I look forward to speaking with you.

  6. Anikó Nagy

    I am interested in setting up somthing similiar in Hungary. I have seen how nicely it workes in Bulgaria. If anyone else is also interested in please contact me.


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