Our Staff

Nadezhda Savova-Grigorova, PhDnadezhda-savova-phd

Founder of International Council for Cultural Centers and the Bread Houses Network. Awarded by National Geographic for Traveler of the year (2012)
e-mail: nadezhda@breadhousesnetwork.org

Milena KarakanovaMilenaKarakanova

Project coordinator in Sofia city, Bulgaria.

Mobile: +359 887 958 586
e-mail: milena@bread.bg

Rozaliya Radeva

Project coordinator in Sofia, Bulgaria

Mobile: +359 882 934 408

e-mail: rosalia@breadhousesnetwork.org

Atanaska Terziiska

Project coordinator in Sofia, Bulgaria

Mobile: +359 882 934 408

e-mail: atanaska@breadhousesnetwork.org

Ralitza Georgievalarkspur-georgieva

Project coordinator and art-therapist in Stara Zagora city, Bulgaria.

Mobile: +359 896 11 50 27
e-mail r.georgieva.g@gmail.com

Katerina BoyadzhievaKaterina

Manager and coordinator at the Bread House in the city of Plovdiv, Bulgaria

Mobile: +359 887 752 680
e-mail: plovdiv@bread.bg



Stefan GrigorovStefan Grigorov

Earned his M.A. degree in Sociology and Social Research from the University of Trento, Italy, Stefan is currently finishing his Ph.D at the Sofia University “St. Kl. Ohridski” with dissertation titled “Social innovation approaches for conflict prevention in local communities. The case of the Bread Houses Network. Stefan Grigorov has spent last years on work and study on: Sustainable Development Policies, Models of Participatory and Direct Democracy, Sustainability Education and Ecopedagogy in Europe, USA (2008) and Brazil (2013). He has obtained a recognition certificate as a “Trainer of Trainers on the Fundamentals of Green Growth Policies” from the United Nations ESCAP and the Asian Institute of Technology. Among his major works are: Grigorov, S & Fleuri, R. 2012. Ecopedagogy Educating for a New Eco-social Intercultural Perspective. Visao Global, Joacaba, v. 15, n. 1-2, p. 433-454, jan.dez. 2012; Grigorov, S. (Ed.) 2012. International Handbook of Ecopedagogy for Students, Educators and Parents. A Project for a New Eco-Sustainable Civilization .BCSLDE, 2012. With the special participation of Prof. Dr. Jennifer M. Gidley and Prof. Richard Kahn

Simeon Milev

A second-year student at the American University in Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria, studies Business administration and Psychology, intern for the summer 2019 at the Sofia Bread House.

Yana Doncheva

MA (Hons) Sustainable development with Social Anthropology at the University of Edinburgh.

Morgan Murphy

Master’s student in the Arts of Public Policy, specialization in Political Economy & Development, Erasmus University Rotterdam & Institut Barcelona d’Estudis Internacionals (IBE)I in Barcelona. Morgan interned at the Sofia Bread House in the summer of 2017.

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