
The Bread Houses Network worked with the Bulgarian Center for Sustainable Local Development and EcoPedagogy ( on developing the International Handbook on EcoPedagogy  recently published in 2012 (available here…-A-Project-for-a-New-Eco-Sustainable-Civilization1.pdf; the Chapter on the Bread Houses Network and its methodologies is on pages 126-136).

The Handbook will be distributed to schools and community cultural centers and informal educational institutions around the world as the main guidebook employing various creative (artistic, culinary, and traditional cultural) educational methods and engaging hands-on experiences for experiential learning for all ages, such as the staple Bread House bread-based methods, in order to raise awareness and help people across ages and socio-economic groups undertake the first steps towards a sustainable living and mindset. Contributors to the Handbook are eminent authors in Education, Sustainability and Environmental Studies, among whom Prof. Moacir Gadotti, Prof. Dr. Jennifer M. Gidley, Prof. Douglas Kellner, Roberto Bombarda, Guilherme Blauth and Patricia Abuhab, Prof. Dora Marinova, Peter Buckland and many others. Edited by Stefan K. Grigorov with the special participation of Prof. Richard Kahn and Prof. Dr. Jennifer M. Gidley.

The International Handbook on EcoPedagogy was launched for the first time at the Global UN Ecological Summit RIO+20 in Rio de Janeiro between June 17-22nd, 2012, presented by Nadezhda Savova who has contributed the chapter on the Bread Houses Network methodologies within the BREAD Movement: Bridging Resources for Ecological and Art-based Development.  Nadezhda was invited to RIO+20 as a representative of the Bread Houses Network to exhibit the “Breads of the World” Exhibit and to lead hands-on workshops in the BHN methods, included in the EcoPedagogy collection. The EcoPedagogy Handbook will also be promoted and diffused in partnership with the Earth Charter Game developed by the Brazilian NGO Harmonia na Terra and diffused world-wide through the Earth Charter Networks and is now also joining the Bread Houses Network.

We welcome anyone who might be interested in sending us  ideas and/or experiences in engaging methods of environmental education that could be included in the Hanbdook.

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