Take part in Bread connects Europe – Create & bake “your” Europe! Baking Competition until April 15. This competition is part the Tastes of Danube – Bread Connects initiative. Show your baked idea of Europe. Your baked goods can be sweet or savoury; they can be colourful or decorated with seeds or special item. Whether you work alone or in a group – everything is possible. Just use some sort of simple dough, be creative and realize “your” Europe as a shaped bread.
Please send a photo of your creation on your baking tray, name it, and describe your idea (max. 200 words), and send it to: info@ileu.net.
The main prize will be a trip for one or two people to the international meeting of the Danube-Networkers in Ulm from July 12th-15th 2018. The meeting is part of the 11th International Danube Festival Ulm/Neu-Ulm.
The Institute for virtual and face-to-face learning in adult education at Ulm University (ILEU e.V.) is the organizer of this competition.
By participating the competitors transfer ILEU e. V. the right to show their pictures online. For more information http://bread-connects.tastes-of-danube.eu/create-and-bake-…/
Take Part in Create & Bake “Your” Europe!
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