Dear Friends,
Bread House Network and our newest bakery “Nadezhko”, located in Sofia, 12 Beethoven St. are turning to all of you with a request for help!
Ludmil Hristov Benchev is an inspector at the “Agency for Food Safety” in Sofia. He is one of the most disciplined and loyal young employees.
Unfortunately, he has been suffering from chronic tubulointersticialen nephritis, also known as analgesic neuropathia.
The diagnosis was determined by Dr. V. Minkova in November 2013 at Aleksandrovska hospital – Clinic for neurology and transplantation. One year later after a variety of medical tests, his decease has progressed to a point in which his lungs function only with 50% of their capacity. The conclusion made by the doctor is that Ludmil Hristov Benchev’s lungs are worsening too fast, in comparison to the medical indicators and they are irreversible.
The next step for his treatment is hemodialisis, which is in no case a treatment with positive consequences. On the contrary, its a fact that people who have been treated with himodialisis have become not only unable to work but also part of the long waitlist for transplantations.Many are the cases when people who had been waiting too long never received the necessary transplantation in the end.
The only alternative Ludmil has is a transplantation of an organ from an unknown donor. Unfortunately, his parents had deceased, and he has no relatives with compatible organs.
An intervention like this, done abroad varies from 50 000 to 60 000 Euros.
This is why we are appealing to you, so we all could help Ludmil, and raise funds for his life saving surgery.
If you want to donate to this good cause, we are attaching the bank account number.
IBAN BG65SOMB91301055740203, BICSOMBBGSF, Municipal Bank, Ludmil Hristov Benchev.
Thank you for your support!