Make America inclusive again through bread-making!

Our active and enthusiastic Baker without borders Morgan Murphy just came back from an exciting event related to successful practices in social inclusion. Here’s what she shares:

“We journeyed to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania for three days earlier this month for the Welcoming Interactive + Welcoming Economies Convening conference. The event brought together over 400 leaders who are committed to making America more welcoming and more inclusive. We shared our board game and information about the Bread Houses Network and our methods with diverse experts and participants. It was so energizing to be around like-minded individuals who recognize the importance of collaboration, innovative solutions, and empathy building in order to foster inclusion.

Those attending the event shared their successful practices and inspiring stories of welcoming communities – we were excited to learn about their work and to share the many ways that bread-making can be used to bring diverse people together to promote community cohesion, creativity development, and addressing local issues!”

We’re looking forward to more exciting bread-making and sharing events in the USA!

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