Between 28.03 and 03.04.2019. the second stage of the Erasmus + DIVE 3: Zero to One> 1 to N project took place in Florina, Greece. The main focus of the meeting was to build partnerships between the participating organizations and generate potential project ideas in the field of social entrepreneurship and the fight against youth unemployment. More about the project here.
Following an intensive introduction to the Erasmus + project structure, partner organizations were inspired and united around various ideas on how to support the development of unemployed youths in their respective countries. The Bread Houses Network, as a good example of social engagement and entrepreneurship, initiated a project on how to link organic farmers and migrants in the partner countries of Italy, Greece, Poland, South Africa and Bulgaria through the organization’s methods . This will solve the problems of various farmers’ organizations, such as lack of labor, and migrants will have the opportunity for vocational training and employment in a fast-growing sector.
Another exciting project where the Bread Houses Network will take part together with Italy and Greece is to give a contemporary look to the disappearing traditional crafts – how to make them more attractive to young people so they want to learn and develop their own business.
There will be more interesting meetings and events to come as we “sift” and “knead” these opportunities for a better chance for the young people.