Bread in the Dark

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A method of community building and personal transformation, in which facilitators with visual impairments and sighted individuals engage make bread in a darkened environment.

The activity takes place in the space of the Sofia Bread House, where participants meet and mingle with people with visual impairments and in a completely darkened environment they engage not only with making a sourdough bread, but also in creating stories and experiences. Bread-making involves a dialogue about various existential issues, felt with the tactile senses in the process of kneading bread as metaphors of life. The goal is to achieve awareness of the significance of the senses and how much we depend on them, as well as how different the world may be depending on perceptions.

Participants have the opportunity to “get in the shoes” of people with visual impairments – to get acquainted with them and communicate with them without first seeing their faces, but only by touching and hearing their voice. The theme of the bread-making is chosen in advance or on the spot by the group, and can be devoted, for example, to the challenges we face or to what makes us unique. In the process of kneading, the participants acquire a tactile idea of ​​the individual ingredients of bread – flour, salt, sugar, sourdough and water. Each ingredient is associated to a metaphor related to the topic of bread-making and participants are invited to share their personal ideas and reactions. The positive emotions and the surprise upon discovering in light the works-of-art-and-dough are the rewarding end of this whole adventure!

The activity is appropriate for businesses, organizations, and other teams; for schools and higher education institutions; for private groups.

Duration and price per person: 2 hours, 30 leva/20 USD/15 Euros

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